This document has several purposes:
The fungal records come from national efforts in Austria and Switzerland to compile fungal collection data from a variety of sources. Detailed information about these datasets can be found on their respective webpages: Switzerland; Austria. Collections in these databases come from a variety of sources, including mycologist collections, systematic surveys, and herbarium records. We used records between the 114 to 2599 meters in elevation (masl). We analyse altitudinal changes in fruiting patterns of 5606 fungal observations from the 118 most intensively collected species from the Austrian and Suisse national fungal record datasets between 1960 and 2010 CE. We restricted our analyses to Agaricomycetes, i.e. to basidiomycete species producing annual or perennial macroscopic fruit bodies. Only observations with proper annotation of date and geographical coordinates were included.
Figure 3.1: Map of all collections.
Figure 3.2: Map of all collections.
Figure 3.3: Zoomed in on one region; all collections.
Figure 3.4: Amanita muscaria all collections.
Figure 3.5: Amanita muscaria zoomed in.
We fit linear mixed models, where the response was mean elevation of mushroom collection for each species in each year, and the primary predictor was elevation. We fit several different forms allowing for different error structures:
We used two different models for how elevation of mushroom collection may be changing over time (years).
m2: Intercept & slope varies by species
\(Elevation = (1 + year|species) + year\)
m3: Intercept varies by species; slope varies by nutritional group
\(Elevation = (1|species) + year + (year|nut)\)
where \(nut\) is the species’ nutritional mode.
We fit these models using the ‘brms’ package in R1.
Example ‘brms’ code:
# Intercept varies by species; slope varies by nutritional
# group
# Set model fomula
m3 <- bf(elev ~ (1 | species) + year + (year | nut))
# Fit model
fit_m3 <- brm(m3, data = dat.sp, control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99,
max_treedepth = 12), cores = 3, chains = 3, iter = 5000)
Model 3: Random intercept varies by species; slope varies by nutritional group
\(Elevation = (1|species) + year + (year|nut)\)
group | beta.mean | | Q1.year | Q5.year | Q50.year | Q95.year | Q99.year | pval |
Ecm | 0.0101653 | 0.0011076 | 0.0075149 | 0.0083432 | 0.0101631 | 0.0119436 | 0.0127502 | 0.000000 |
Sapro_Litter_Soil | 0.0112313 | 0.0016096 | 0.0074719 | 0.0085765 | 0.0112361 | 0.0138824 | 0.0149790 | 0.000000 |
Sapro_Wood | 0.0021925 | 0.0015451 | -0.0013039 | -0.0003330 | 0.0021927 | 0.0047303 | 0.0058072 | 0.077942 |
Figure 5.1: Estimated elevation over time (m3)
Model 2: Random intercept varies by species; slope varies by species
\(Elevation = (1 = year | species) + year\)
Species-specific slopes:
Figure 5.2: Figure 2 from manuscript. Species-specific slopes
Figure 5.3: Figure 3 from manuscript.
A basic challenge that potentially confounds estimates of trends over time is that collection effort has also increased through time (Fig. 6.1). We outline here three lines of evidence suggesting that this increase in sampling over time has not biased the estimation of the trend in altitude.
Figure 6.1: Total collections over time
One way to evalute whether there is a bias due to increasing sampling effort is to ask whether collection effort generally tends to increase the estimated increase in elevation for species. Here, there is no relationship between the slopes of a species’ elevation over time and the number of collections (Fig. 6.2).
Figure 6.2: Slope of species’ estimated trends over time, as a function of their collection effort
Another plausible expectation if there is a spurious increase in elevation with increased sampling would be that the proportion of collections made at high elevation would be expected to increase with greater collection efforts. This does not seem to be the case (Fig. 6.3), suggesting that greater collection effort did not necessarily mean more collection effort at high elevation relative to lower elevations.
Figure 6.3: Proportion of collections above mean elevation as a function of collection effort.
We also used a null model approach to examine the likelihood of obtaining a spurious positive altitudinal trend over time. We randomized the years of collections, within each species, 1000 times and ran mixed effects models using lmer
function in the lme4
package in R
: \(lmer(elev \sim (1 |species) + year, data=dat.rand)\). By decoupling the elevation of collection from the years of collection, while maintaining the skewed sampling intensity through time, significant trends in elevation through time would suggest spurious trends due to the sampling. We found 75 of the 1000 randomizations (7.5%) produced a significant slope (p<0.05). The p-value calculated from the raw data was << 0.001, and lower than all randomized runs. The fact that the p-value for the estimated slope is significantly lower than all of the simulated datasets suggests that increased sampling intensity through time is not causing the significant trend.
Figure 6.4: Left: Distribution of slopes estimated from null models, along with true slope (blue). Right: Distribution of p-values from randomized null model. In green are model runs with p < 0.05. Blue line represents the p-value calculated on the raw dataset (p<0.001).
nut.habitat | N.pos | N.pos.signif | N.neg | N.neg.signif |
Ecm | 47 | 26 | 9 | 0 |
Sapro_Litter_Soil | 26 | 15 | 3 | 1 |
Sapro_Wood | 20 | 7 | 13 | 1 |
species | N | elev.mean | elev.range | nut.habitat |
Agaricus sylvicola | 1099 | 619.4 | 2140 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Amanita citrina | 1504 | 563.2 | 1799 | Ecm |
Amanita excelsa | 1712 | 671.1 | 2082 | Ecm |
Amanita muscaria | 2380 | 860.2 | 2235 | Ecm |
Amanita pantherina | 1000 | 621.4 | 2015 | Ecm |
Amanita phalloides | 1285 | 494.9 | 2029 | Ecm |
Amanita rubescens | 3545 | 664.2 | 2170 | Ecm |
Amanita vaginata | 1459 | 698.3 | 2245 | Ecm |
Bjerkandera adusta | 1928 | 540.4 | 2014 | Sapro_Wood |
Boletus edulis | 2449 | 825.5 | 2195 | Ecm |
Boletus erythropus | 1633 | 720.5 | 2082 | Ecm |
Boletus subtomentosus | 1703 | 624.0 | 2347 | Ecm |
Cantharellus cibarius | 3533 | 724.0 | 2285 | Ecm |
Chroogomphus rutilus | 967 | 741.6 | 2314 | Ecm |
Clavulina coralloides | 1253 | 728.2 | 2123 | Ecm |
Clitocybe gibba | 1968 | 745.8 | 2347 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Clitocybe nebularis | 1984 | 638.3 | 1968 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Clitopilus prunulus | 2107 | 733.1 | 2277 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Coprinellus micaceus | 1072 | 535.7 | 1815 | Sapro_Wood |
Coprinus comatus | 1078 | 676.1 | 2119 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Cortinarius caperatus | 945 | 1013.4 | 2308 | Ecm |
Craterellus cornucopioides | 1133 | 545.6 | 2052 | Ecm |
Craterellus tubaeformis | 1600 | 759.4 | 1986 | Ecm |
Cystoderma amianthinum | 1256 | 904.8 | 2442 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Daedalea quercina | 1091 | 443.1 | 2133 | Sapro_Wood |
Daedaleopsis confragosa | 1479 | 563.4 | 2152 | Sapro_Wood |
Entoloma rhodopolium | 1057 | 661.7 | 2008 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Fomes fomentarius | 1208 | 583.3 | 1780 | Sapro_Wood |
Fomitopsis pinicola | 4011 | 792.2 | 2388 | Sapro_Wood |
Fuscoporia ferruginosa | 989 | 577.6 | 2196 | Sapro_Wood |
Galerina marginata | 1232 | 802.2 | 2698 | Sapro_Wood |
Gymnopilus penetrans | 1333 | 694.5 | 2254 | Sapro_Wood |
Gymnopus androsaceus | 1025 | 890.3 | 2452 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Gymnopus confluens | 1726 | 787.9 | 2044 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Gymnopus dryophilus | 1722 | 675.1 | 2298 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Gymnopus perforans | 1090 | 945.9 | 2293 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Gymnopus peronatus | 1234 | 591.3 | 2010 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Hydnum repandum | 2185 | 731.0 | 2009 | Ecm |
Hygrophorus agathosmus | 1008 | 979.3 | 2198 | Ecm |
Hygrophorus eburneus | 952 | 630.2 | 1701 | Ecm |
Hymenopellis radicata | 2245 | 539.3 | 1757 | Sapro_Wood |
Hypholoma capnoides | 1482 | 820.0 | 2288 | Sapro_Wood |
Hypholoma fasciculare | 3420 | 575.8 | 2190 | Sapro_Wood |
Hypholoma lateritium | 1161 | 534.6 | 1981 | Sapro_Wood |
Imleria badia | 2169 | 684.7 | 2177 | Ecm |
Inocybe geophylla | 1953 | 789.2 | 2457 | Ecm |
Inocybe rimosa | 1350 | 720.8 | 2388 | Ecm |
Kuehneromyces mutabilis | 1640 | 694.9 | 2225 | Sapro_Wood |
Laccaria amethystina | 2228 | 714.8 | 2172 | Ecm |
Laccaria laccata | 1019 | 854.1 | 2462 | Ecm |
Laccaria tetraspora | 1695 | 703.1 | 2697 | Ecm |
Lactarius blennius | 1182 | 654.1 | 1890 | Ecm |
Lactarius deterrimus | 2411 | 891.2 | 2208 | Ecm |
Lactarius pallidus | 1003 | 682.7 | 1526 | Ecm |
Lactarius piperatus | 1104 | 528.8 | 1792 | Ecm |
Lactarius quietus | 1012 | 438.4 | 2107 | Ecm |
Lactarius rufus | 1055 | 969.3 | 2370 | Ecm |
Lactarius salmonicolor | 1349 | 767.8 | 2515 | Ecm |
Lactarius scrobiculatus | 1327 | 1020.5 | 2193 | Ecm |
Lactarius vellereus | 1097 | 580.4 | 1561 | Ecm |
Leccinum scabrum | 1018 | 667.7 | 1738 | Ecm |
Lentinus ciliatus | 905 | 641.1 | 2168 | Sapro_Wood |
Lepiota cristata | 1172 | 649.5 | 2425 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Lepista nuda | 1594 | 625.5 | 2328 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Leucocybe connata | 944 | 908.0 | 2389 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Lycoperdon perlatum | 2811 | 665.5 | 2391 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Lycoperdon pyriforme | 1861 | 691.1 | 2277 | Sapro_Wood |
Macrolepiota procera | 1771 | 596.9 | 2234 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Marasmius oreades | 988 | 637.2 | 2048 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Marasmius rotula | 995 | 520.8 | 2095 | Sapro_Wood |
Megacollybia platyphylla | 2262 | 565.4 | 1620 | Sapro_Wood |
Mycena epipterygia | 1677 | 872.1 | 2298 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Mycena galericulata | 2018 | 658.2 | 2107 | Sapro_Wood |
Mycena galopus | 1726 | 853.3 | 2389 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Mycena pura | 3485 | 753.5 | 2390 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Mycena rosea | 962 | 557.2 | 1510 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Mycena sanguinolenta | 1013 | 704.6 | 2298 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Mycetinis alliaceus | 959 | 644.2 | 2359 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Panellus stipticus | 1406 | 542.3 | 2088 | Sapro_Wood |
Paralepista flaccida | 1354 | 570.6 | 2284 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Paxillus involutus | 1654 | 709.1 | 2333 | Ecm |
Pluteus cervinus | 2275 | 568.5 | 2317 | Sapro_Wood |
Polyporus varius | 1190 | 703.0 | 2155 | Sapro_Wood |
Postia caesia | 1061 | 727.6 | 2103 | Sapro_Wood |
Psathyrella candolleana | 1223 | 512.8 | 2317 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Rhodocollybia butyracea | 2253 | 733.3 | 2282 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Russula cyanoxantha | 3573 | 584.0 | 2170 | Ecm |
Russula delica | 904 | 803.8 | 2491 | Ecm |
Russula emetica | 1095 | 937.8 | 2214 | Ecm |
Russula fellea | 914 | 628.3 | 2059 | Ecm |
Russula foetens | 1140 | 657.6 | 2104 | Ecm |
Russula integra | 1527 | 875.9 | 2656 | Ecm |
Russula nigricans | 1685 | 604.7 | 2145 | Ecm |
Russula ochroleuca | 1841 | 732.2 | 2062 | Ecm |
Russula olivacea | 1550 | 662.5 | 2222 | Ecm |
Russula queletii | 1451 | 927.2 | 1976 | Ecm |
Russula rosea | 1051 | 486.0 | 1551 | Ecm |
Russula vesca | 1712 | 621.4 | 2234 | Ecm |
Schizophyllum commune | 2419 | 556.3 | 2157 | Sapro_Wood |
Schizopora paradoxa | 1355 | 535.5 | 2307 | Sapro_Wood |
Stereum hirsutum | 2979 | 526.4 | 2274 | Sapro_Wood |
Stereum sanguinolentum | 1025 | 753.2 | 2247 | Sapro_Wood |
Strobilurus esculentus | 929 | 764.4 | 2321 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Suillellus luridus | 1502 | 668.5 | 2106 | Ecm |
Suillus granulatus | 984 | 707.2 | 2298 | Ecm |
Suillus grevillei | 1930 | 851.6 | 2370 | Ecm |
Suillus viscidus | 1008 | 1051.9 | 2329 | Ecm |
Tapinella atrotomentosa | 1138 | 621.8 | 1994 | Sapro_Wood |
Trametes gibbosa | 1766 | 535.0 | 1714 | Sapro_Wood |
Trametes hirsuta | 2248 | 663.7 | 2303 | Sapro_Wood |
Trametes versicolor | 3734 | 585.4 | 2152 | Sapro_Wood |
Trichaptum abietinum | 1977 | 719.7 | 2229 | Sapro_Wood |
Tricholoma saponaceum | 1179 | 867.0 | 2227 | Ecm |
Tricholoma terreum | 1017 | 702.7 | 2254 | Ecm |
Tricholoma vaccinum | 932 | 1059.8 | 2163 | Ecm |
Tricholomopsis rutilans | 1708 | 693.8 | 2283 | Sapro_Wood |
Tubaria furfuracea | 1045 | 512.3 | 2163 | Sapro_Litter_Soil |
Xerocomellus chrysenteron | 2535 | 563.6 | 1716 | Ecm |
species | beta.mean | | species.Q5.year | species.Q50.year | species.Q95.year | pval |
Agaricus sylvicola | 0.0125040 | 0.0064274 | 0.0016541 | 0.0124347 | 0.0231632 | 0.0259 |
Amanita citrina | 0.0067914 | 0.0064793 | -0.0037718 | 0.0068225 | 0.0177457 | 0.1473 |
Amanita excelsa | 0.0191923 | 0.0063671 | 0.0086752 | 0.0191018 | 0.0296852 | 0.0013 |
Amanita muscaria | 0.0167718 | 0.0062265 | 0.0065680 | 0.0167641 | 0.0271308 | 0.0035 |
Amanita pantherina | 0.0058421 | 0.0065618 | -0.0048133 | 0.0058107 | 0.0161903 | 0.1866 |
Amanita phalloides | 0.0024620 | 0.0062742 | -0.0076900 | 0.0024947 | 0.0127849 | 0.3474 |
Amanita rubescens | 0.0067378 | 0.0063066 | -0.0032585 | 0.0065715 | 0.0169262 | 0.1427 |
Amanita vaginata | 0.0039884 | 0.0064331 | -0.0066362 | 0.0039052 | 0.0144055 | 0.2676 |
Bjerkandera adusta | -0.0036434 | 0.0069253 | -0.0154016 | -0.0034641 | 0.0073117 | 0.2994 |
Boletus edulis | 0.0150061 | 0.0062326 | 0.0050392 | 0.0149901 | 0.0251428 | 0.0080 |
Boletus erythropus | 0.0121844 | 0.0064923 | 0.0014886 | 0.0121837 | 0.0227563 | 0.0303 |
Boletus subtomentosus | 0.0106022 | 0.0063478 | 0.0003546 | 0.0106030 | 0.0212095 | 0.0474 |
Cantharellus cibarius | 0.0167492 | 0.0064222 | 0.0067004 | 0.0166721 | 0.0274074 | 0.0046 |
Chroogomphus rutilus | 0.0054210 | 0.0064880 | -0.0051982 | 0.0053870 | 0.0161821 | 0.2017 |
Clavulina coralloides | 0.0016017 | 0.0063325 | -0.0091057 | 0.0018142 | 0.0117779 | 0.4002 |
Clitocybe gibba | 0.0089613 | 0.0062220 | -0.0009884 | 0.0088644 | 0.0193854 | 0.0749 |
Clitocybe nebularis | 0.0185963 | 0.0065974 | 0.0078475 | 0.0184981 | 0.0295016 | 0.0024 |
Clitopilus prunulus | 0.0128490 | 0.0063878 | 0.0024228 | 0.0128735 | 0.0233556 | 0.0221 |
Coprinellus micaceus | -0.0017552 | 0.0066427 | -0.0124808 | -0.0018299 | 0.0089694 | 0.3958 |
Coprinus comatus | 0.0155111 | 0.0063607 | 0.0050155 | 0.0155144 | 0.0261739 | 0.0074 |
Cortinarius caperatus | 0.0276489 | 0.0065748 | 0.0168952 | 0.0275982 | 0.0382291 | 0.0000 |
Craterellus cornucopioides | -0.0050491 | 0.0065364 | -0.0157121 | -0.0050907 | 0.0055661 | 0.2199 |
Craterellus tubaeformis | 0.0060970 | 0.0063381 | -0.0044163 | 0.0060423 | 0.0164075 | 0.1680 |
Cystoderma amianthinum | 0.0286408 | 0.0064738 | 0.0181919 | 0.0285850 | 0.0396474 | 0.0000 |
Daedalea quercina | -0.0037622 | 0.0064379 | -0.0143858 | -0.0038093 | 0.0066359 | 0.2795 |
Daedaleopsis confragosa | 0.0042519 | 0.0064649 | -0.0063276 | 0.0042697 | 0.0148573 | 0.2554 |
Entoloma rhodopolium | 0.0047403 | 0.0067948 | -0.0063458 | 0.0047761 | 0.0159562 | 0.2427 |
Fomes fomentarius | -0.0047912 | 0.0068673 | -0.0160974 | -0.0048854 | 0.0067422 | 0.2427 |
Fomitopsis pinicola | 0.0042427 | 0.0063833 | -0.0065676 | 0.0044820 | 0.0143480 | 0.2531 |
Fuscoporia ferruginosa | -0.0021135 | 0.0070349 | -0.0137314 | -0.0021893 | 0.0093665 | 0.3819 |
Galerina marginata | 0.0121603 | 0.0070987 | 0.0004769 | 0.0122119 | 0.0238757 | 0.0434 |
Gymnopilus penetrans | 0.0093254 | 0.0066129 | -0.0015748 | 0.0092799 | 0.0202474 | 0.0792 |
Gymnopus androsaceus | 0.0115907 | 0.0065777 | 0.0006810 | 0.0114448 | 0.0224540 | 0.0390 |
Gymnopus confluens | 0.0101412 | 0.0065580 | -0.0009460 | 0.0102318 | 0.0205576 | 0.0610 |
Gymnopus dryophilus | -0.0017683 | 0.0065268 | -0.0126349 | -0.0015032 | 0.0084486 | 0.3932 |
Gymnopus perforans | 0.0131425 | 0.0062039 | 0.0028994 | 0.0131041 | 0.0231736 | 0.0171 |
Gymnopus peronatus | 0.0007459 | 0.0067531 | -0.0105086 | 0.0007593 | 0.0122275 | 0.4560 |
Hydnum repandum | 0.0078313 | 0.0062379 | -0.0022135 | 0.0077914 | 0.0182734 | 0.1047 |
Hygrophorus agathosmus | 0.0250630 | 0.0067145 | 0.0140132 | 0.0250041 | 0.0361126 | 0.0001 |
Hygrophorus eburneus | -0.0044737 | 0.0067789 | -0.0155006 | -0.0045683 | 0.0068422 | 0.2546 |
Hymenopellis radicata | -0.0035710 | 0.0063116 | -0.0140485 | -0.0033825 | 0.0066271 | 0.2858 |
Hypholoma capnoides | 0.0159295 | 0.0065379 | 0.0052629 | 0.0158871 | 0.0266743 | 0.0074 |
Hypholoma fasciculare | 0.0071288 | 0.0064144 | -0.0034728 | 0.0070768 | 0.0177979 | 0.1332 |
Hypholoma lateritium | 0.0040147 | 0.0066978 | -0.0072253 | 0.0040945 | 0.0150416 | 0.2744 |
Imleria badia | 0.0105831 | 0.0063884 | 0.0003403 | 0.0105364 | 0.0208866 | 0.0488 |
Inocybe geophylla | -0.0022115 | 0.0066247 | -0.0134775 | -0.0020854 | 0.0087289 | 0.3693 |
Inocybe rimosa | -0.0038310 | 0.0064148 | -0.0147045 | -0.0037656 | 0.0066563 | 0.2752 |
Kuehneromyces mutabilis | 0.0093551 | 0.0067114 | -0.0015832 | 0.0094548 | 0.0204767 | 0.0817 |
Laccaria amethystina | 0.0118900 | 0.0063465 | 0.0016554 | 0.0118858 | 0.0219903 | 0.0305 |
Laccaria laccata | 0.0096713 | 0.0081999 | -0.0038673 | 0.0096136 | 0.0232104 | 0.1191 |
Laccaria tetraspora | 0.0108153 | 0.0063715 | 0.0002392 | 0.0108496 | 0.0211353 | 0.0448 |
Lactarius blennius | -0.0071774 | 0.0064550 | -0.0179265 | -0.0071742 | 0.0033918 | 0.1331 |
Lactarius deterrimus | 0.0195963 | 0.0060709 | 0.0099117 | 0.0196665 | 0.0295749 | 0.0006 |
Lactarius pallidus | -0.0069274 | 0.0068129 | -0.0180615 | -0.0068574 | 0.0041902 | 0.1546 |
Lactarius piperatus | 0.0008352 | 0.0065618 | -0.0098678 | 0.0008872 | 0.0115073 | 0.4494 |
Lactarius quietus | 0.0014279 | 0.0066091 | -0.0095797 | 0.0014549 | 0.0122512 | 0.4145 |
Lactarius rufus | 0.0224784 | 0.0064694 | 0.0119816 | 0.0223308 | 0.0329554 | 0.0003 |
Lactarius salmonicolor | -0.0078852 | 0.0075741 | -0.0204640 | -0.0077001 | 0.0042248 | 0.1489 |
Lactarius scrobiculatus | 0.0172229 | 0.0065185 | 0.0062310 | 0.0171430 | 0.0281271 | 0.0041 |
Lactarius vellereus | 0.0002604 | 0.0065015 | -0.0103951 | 0.0001702 | 0.0111996 | 0.4840 |
Leccinum scabrum | 0.0128495 | 0.0064909 | 0.0022045 | 0.0128286 | 0.0232407 | 0.0239 |
Lentinus ciliatus | 0.0071100 | 0.0063999 | -0.0032657 | 0.0069907 | 0.0174920 | 0.1333 |
Lepiota cristata | 0.0000601 | 0.0065513 | -0.0106357 | 0.0001516 | 0.0107758 | 0.4963 |
Lepista nuda | 0.0109370 | 0.0063670 | 0.0007536 | 0.0109315 | 0.0214464 | 0.0429 |
Leucocybe connata | 0.0065472 | 0.0073690 | -0.0056993 | 0.0066761 | 0.0184293 | 0.1871 |
Lycoperdon perlatum | 0.0056001 | 0.0063036 | -0.0050074 | 0.0055831 | 0.0159872 | 0.1872 |
Lycoperdon pyriforme | 0.0043178 | 0.0063013 | -0.0059459 | 0.0042920 | 0.0147497 | 0.2466 |
Macrolepiota procera | 0.0076994 | 0.0064117 | -0.0027277 | 0.0074974 | 0.0186753 | 0.1149 |
Marasmius oreades | 0.0060553 | 0.0063148 | -0.0043484 | 0.0060765 | 0.0165639 | 0.1688 |
Marasmius rotula | -0.0036733 | 0.0065350 | -0.0145253 | -0.0035145 | 0.0070397 | 0.2870 |
Megacollybia platyphylla | -0.0008410 | 0.0068825 | -0.0120751 | -0.0008136 | 0.0105556 | 0.4514 |
Mycena epipterygia | 0.0195882 | 0.0066907 | 0.0085853 | 0.0195144 | 0.0308220 | 0.0017 |
Mycena galericulata | 0.0070802 | 0.0064924 | -0.0035519 | 0.0070552 | 0.0178067 | 0.1377 |
Mycena galopus | 0.0199317 | 0.0065985 | 0.0091136 | 0.0198510 | 0.0309711 | 0.0013 |
Mycena pura | 0.0143445 | 0.0066630 | 0.0037478 | 0.0141050 | 0.0255304 | 0.0157 |
Mycena rosea | 0.0005582 | 0.0082602 | -0.0129491 | 0.0007088 | 0.0138870 | 0.4731 |
Mycena sanguinolenta | 0.0108618 | 0.0067334 | 0.0001941 | 0.0106352 | 0.0221353 | 0.0534 |
Mycetinis alliaceus | -0.0100775 | 0.0073206 | -0.0221849 | -0.0099944 | 0.0017998 | 0.0843 |
Panellus stipticus | 0.0057230 | 0.0067279 | -0.0053028 | 0.0057404 | 0.0169123 | 0.1975 |
Paralepista flaccida | 0.0084811 | 0.0067394 | -0.0024657 | 0.0084444 | 0.0197036 | 0.1041 |
Paxillus involutus | 0.0127754 | 0.0061295 | 0.0025738 | 0.0127328 | 0.0228897 | 0.0186 |
Pluteus cervinus | 0.0070600 | 0.0067496 | -0.0038508 | 0.0069571 | 0.0181002 | 0.1478 |
Polyporus varius | -0.0095144 | 0.0066956 | -0.0205787 | -0.0095178 | 0.0016806 | 0.0777 |
Postia caesia | 0.0103304 | 0.0066537 | -0.0005657 | 0.0102983 | 0.0214788 | 0.0603 |
Psathyrella candolleana | -0.0088869 | 0.0071067 | -0.0209626 | -0.0088407 | 0.0028237 | 0.1056 |
Rhodocollybia butyracea | 0.0119435 | 0.0068277 | 0.0005877 | 0.0119931 | 0.0231915 | 0.0401 |
Russula cyanoxantha | 0.0011152 | 0.0064758 | -0.0093802 | 0.0009878 | 0.0118882 | 0.4316 |
Russula delica | -0.0041074 | 0.0065190 | -0.0150382 | -0.0040845 | 0.0062959 | 0.2643 |
Russula emetica | 0.0233659 | 0.0065683 | 0.0128386 | 0.0232630 | 0.0341163 | 0.0002 |
Russula fellea | -0.0069205 | 0.0066136 | -0.0179273 | -0.0068472 | 0.0035718 | 0.1477 |
Russula foetens | 0.0138884 | 0.0062955 | 0.0036856 | 0.0137520 | 0.0240671 | 0.0137 |
Russula integra | 0.0121160 | 0.0064003 | 0.0014768 | 0.0122918 | 0.0224658 | 0.0292 |
Russula nigricans | 0.0073275 | 0.0064094 | -0.0033004 | 0.0073616 | 0.0177618 | 0.1265 |
Russula ochroleuca | 0.0086748 | 0.0066183 | -0.0020490 | 0.0087175 | 0.0194520 | 0.0950 |
Russula olivacea | 0.0104911 | 0.0064941 | 0.0000079 | 0.0103634 | 0.0215191 | 0.0531 |
Russula queletii | 0.0147696 | 0.0065012 | 0.0041356 | 0.0146277 | 0.0252272 | 0.0115 |
Russula rosea | 0.0036673 | 0.0065760 | -0.0072597 | 0.0036669 | 0.0144069 | 0.2885 |
Russula vesca | 0.0054235 | 0.0064064 | -0.0050267 | 0.0054685 | 0.0159678 | 0.1986 |
Schizophyllum commune | -0.0002998 | 0.0068912 | -0.0116036 | -0.0002678 | 0.0110546 | 0.4826 |
Schizopora paradoxa | 0.0000036 | 0.0067657 | -0.0111241 | 0.0000595 | 0.0110081 | 0.4998 |
Stereum hirsutum | -0.0061287 | 0.0066198 | -0.0170428 | -0.0059471 | 0.0046649 | 0.1773 |
Stereum sanguinolentum | 0.0055483 | 0.0072133 | -0.0061797 | 0.0057312 | 0.0173632 | 0.2209 |
Strobilurus esculentus | 0.0074448 | 0.0065695 | -0.0032559 | 0.0074387 | 0.0183146 | 0.1286 |
Suillellus luridus | 0.0071193 | 0.0063243 | -0.0033795 | 0.0072590 | 0.0172651 | 0.1301 |
Suillus granulatus | 0.0049298 | 0.0063768 | -0.0053657 | 0.0049523 | 0.0152618 | 0.2197 |
Suillus grevillei | 0.0159245 | 0.0060955 | 0.0059354 | 0.0159259 | 0.0259009 | 0.0045 |
Suillus viscidus | 0.0149435 | 0.0066124 | 0.0040939 | 0.0148833 | 0.0257525 | 0.0119 |
Tapinella atrotomentosa | 0.0090161 | 0.0064621 | -0.0016310 | 0.0090689 | 0.0196302 | 0.0815 |
Trametes gibbosa | -0.0045781 | 0.0065575 | -0.0151407 | -0.0046910 | 0.0064612 | 0.2425 |
Trametes hirsuta | 0.0011001 | 0.0065810 | -0.0097515 | 0.0010701 | 0.0119944 | 0.4336 |
Trametes versicolor | -0.0037092 | 0.0066612 | -0.0145113 | -0.0037830 | 0.0075705 | 0.2888 |
Trichaptum abietinum | 0.0034603 | 0.0069163 | -0.0079690 | 0.0036250 | 0.0145826 | 0.3084 |
Tricholoma saponaceum | 0.0193450 | 0.0064555 | 0.0086686 | 0.0192058 | 0.0299019 | 0.0014 |
Tricholoma terreum | 0.0032116 | 0.0063306 | -0.0069261 | 0.0032884 | 0.0136232 | 0.3060 |
Tricholoma vaccinum | 0.0300529 | 0.0067025 | 0.0191205 | 0.0300232 | 0.0410196 | 0.0000 |
Tricholomopsis rutilans | 0.0109742 | 0.0062108 | 0.0006529 | 0.0109835 | 0.0209850 | 0.0386 |
Tubaria furfuracea | 0.0029498 | 0.0067974 | -0.0080710 | 0.0030044 | 0.0140197 | 0.3322 |
Xerocomellus chrysenteron | 0.0054785 | 0.0065868 | -0.0055611 | 0.0055671 | 0.0163637 | 0.2028 |
Paul-Christian Bürkner (2017). brms: An R Package for Bayesian Multilevel Models Using Stan. Journal of Statistical Software, 80(1), 1-28. doi:10.18637/jss.v080.i01↩